During the "dance of the continents" activity, I learned that thousands of years ago, all of earths land was one large land mass with one big ocean. The continent broke apart because of plate tectonics, the belief that earths crust is six large plates which continually move along earths surface. Another factor to the theory of continental drift is the idea of seafloor spreading, which is the theory that there are cracks in the seafloor where magma pours out and then cools, making new crust which slowly pushes away the old crust, enlarging the seafloor.
My picture of Pangea |
Scientists share information with each other in order to strengthen their theories. Without the theories of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics, then Wegner's theory of continental drift would not have enough information to back it up. I believe that these theories are real and that there really was one large continent that moved apart, and that in the future our Earth will look much different.